The Kromasil product offering comprises a broad range of different phases, both for regular HPLC separations and for chiral separations.

Kromasil silica packings are designed to meet the highest demands of HPLC, SFC and SMB, from analytical to process scale.

Kromasil HPLC silica consists of perfectly spherical, totally porous particles. They are produced with a narrow particle size distribution for high efficiency, low pressure-drop and best total economy in chromatographic purifications. The uniqueness of Kromasil
High performance spherical silica is the combination of :

- High surface area
- Mechanical strength
- Chemical purity
- Chemical stability
- Optimized surface properties
- Well-defined pore structure


- Kromasil SIL
- Kromasil CN
- Kromasil Diol
- Kromasil C4
- Kromasil C8
- Kromasil C18
- Kromasil NH2
- Kromasil Phenyl
- Kromasil DMB
- Kromasil TBB
- Kromasil Ambycoat
- Kromasil Ambycoat RP
- Kromasil Cellucoat
- Kromasil Cellucoat RP
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